Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Applesauce Shampoo

Judah continues to practice eating with a spoon. He is getting more coordinated, but apparently he thinks he should wash his hair with applesauce when he is finished. We are working on table manners, we promise!


Anonymous said...

Now I know why God gives us children when we are young(er)!!

~I hope Judah likes the tub!

Louise Banks said...

Way to go Judah!! I'll have to see about the positive stuff applesauce does for my hair!! Thanks for the suggestions on how to spread the goodness of food around!! :+)

Judah you look like you really enjoy your food!!! (that would be inside and out!!!)

You'll get the hang of good table manners in due time!!

Your cousin Louise

heathers243 said...

Judah, I think you taught Jason your table manners! He had a green bean shampoo last night.

Maybe you two should open a spa, it could be the new "in" scalp treatment!