Monday, May 4, 2009

Grandma's House

We just got back from spending a wonderful week at Grandma and Pop's house. Here are a few pictures from the visit.

Lounging on the couch

Enjoying a little playtime

Reading with Grandma. We miss you already!


emk said...

It takes a special Grandma to get down on the floor for reading time! And has your dad always been "Pop"? Miss you guys!

Anne said...

What a good grandma!

Also, is it me, or does Micah REALLY look like Warren?

It was awesome to see you guys last weekend. Thank you so much for inviting N and me!

Karen said...

Judah named my dad "Pop." We started out telling Judah that his name was Grandpa, but I guess he had other ideas!

Yes, I think Micah looks a lot like Warren too!