Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tower of Judah

This morning Judah decided to build a giant tower out of items he found in the pantry. I wasn't thrilled by the idea at first, but I have to admit, I was impressed by his construction skills!

Micah was content to watch the construction from the sidelines.

After all that building, it was time for a granola bar break!

It's moments like these that make me so thankful to spend my days at home with my boys. I have the wonderful opportunity to see their creativity and imaginations develop first hand.


emk said...

Sometimes the mess is worth the end result! Little engineer in the making, I think! PS-- Micah is HUGE!

Nancy Morris said...

That's a terrific tower! Great skill, and great imagination!

Anne said...

Judah looks more and more like Warren I think. (I mean with the cuteness of his mom mixed in, obviously.) Love the shirt. Neil is very excited about having our baby wear clothes with monkeys on them. Oh, as for the stacking: (1) he is creative AND good at balancing things, and (2) at least he didn't choose to stack a half-open container of oatmeal or a bag of flour. Looks like he avoided messiness!

Louise Banks said...

Judah and Micah are growing up soooo fast!! Wasn't it yesterday that they were born?? Watching and sharing in the process has its special joy I am sure!! To watch their thought at work - - makes one wonder what is the next in their mind to act on!! Gee that flour with some water can create some interesting stuff!! :-)